Who's racing?

Andersons Bar & Grill

Dan and Simon from Andersons Bar & Gill in St Paul's Square are one of the latest people to enter. They have decided to keep their car and the costumes they will be wearing a secret. Although they need help finding an inflatable plastic cow to go on top of their car which raises an eyebrow or two.

Spencer Turner - Approved Contracts

Spencer has decided to enter a classic London black cab which although many have ridiculed is quietly confident that it will not only keep with with the other cars but propel him to victory.

Matt Southall - Southall Harries

One of those teasing Spencer (above) is Matt Southall. We are not sure if he should be so quick to dismiss the competition especially since he is entering a decommissioned 20 year old emergency vehicle. Lets see if it still have the power that at one time it would have relied on so heavily .